

I started this blog in 2011 when I was trying to get pregnant for the first time. After a few bumps in the road, I succeeded. In 2012 I gave birth to my sweet baby girl. Within three weeks of her birth, my mom died. And so, this blog became not just about babymaking, but also about love, grief, hope and everything in between.

Today, we are trying to grow our family again. After several fertility treatmentstwo miscarriages and a diagnosis of stage three endometriosis, we aren’t there yet.

Not yet.

But maybe soon.

About the name:

When I was little, my mother tucked me in every night and said, “I love you to the sky and back.” I now say these words to my own daughter as she drifts off to sleep.

Me and my sweet mama.
Me and my sweet mama.



23 thoughts on “About

  1. Great news! you must be so relieved. Love Mom
    P.S. Love the name of your blog and the story with it.

  2. Tanya, you darling girl!
    Natalie finally connected me to you. Your writing is just wonderful, you are so generously giving. I know what you mean by the slump after grad school so isn’t it amazing what a computer can inspire.
    I know you will get your wish.
    Love and hugs,

  3. Such a sweet and heart breaking story. I imagine your Mom’s beautiful legacy carries on in your mothering of your precious baby.

    1. Thank you. I am trying to talk about “Grandma Peggy” to my daughter all the time, so that she can feel connected to her.

      I started this blog when my mom was still alive, so it’s nice (and kind of sad) to look back at my old posts and see her comments–I love that I have written proof of her love and support here! 🙂

    1. Thank you! And thanks for investigating my blog. I look forward to following your journey. We have just begun researching adoption, so I’m excited to read all about your experiences.

  4. Lovely to find your blog – thank you for writing honestly and openly. I’m so incredibly sorry for your recent loss. I wish you serenity and hope in 2015. xx

  5. Wow, so the first comment on this post is from your Mom? How bittersweet.

    Love and loss are so intrinsically intertwined. It’s so difficult to weather these storms as they come, isn’t it?

    1. I know, it is so bittersweet. I get tears in my eyes every time I read her comment. For a while she was the top commenter on my blog, and it was a sad day when someone else passed her record for number of comments.

      I agree, it’s so hard to weather these storms, but somehow we all do, and we all keep going.

      Thank you for stopping by!

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