Five Years Of Blogging: A Thousand Thank Yous

You guys. A couple days ago was my five year blogiversary. Five freaking years? Say what? Although I’m a sporadic blogger at best, I still can’t believe I’ve kept this thing going for five full years. Even in, like, seventh grade I couldn’t keep a journal going longer than five weeks. So yeah, pretty cool. But that’s not the point. The point today is to say a big, fat…


Thank you to you guys. And by you guys I mean anyone that’s reading this post now or has read this blog in the last five years. Thank you for your support.

Truly, this blog has been an amazing source of support for me. You all have been with me through infertility, pregnancy loss, a tumultuous breastfeeding relationship, the death of my mom and brother

The list goes on and on.

I really don’t know what I would have done without you all the last five years.

You guys carried me. You were there through the worst times in my life. You graciously celebrated my joys with me, even as you were going through your own hard times.

You were right there, the whole way. And that means so much to me.

So thank you, thank you. And thank you again.

Just for fun, in honor of five years, I’m linking to my top five favorite posts below. Here they are, in chronological order.

1. These Lovely, Golden Days

2. Love In The Time Of Miscarriage

3. A Death, A Birth, A Silent Night: My Messy Beautiful

4. 38 Years Of Being Alive

5. The Things She Carried

I love you guys. All the way to the sky and back!

20 thoughts on “Five Years Of Blogging: A Thousand Thank Yous

  1. I for one am glad you started this blog and beat your seventh grade record! I want to thank you! xox

  2. Congratulations on achieving 5 years of blogging! Thanks for picking out you 5 favourite posts, I have enjoyed reading them, even though they were written about such sad times for you. Thanks for the kindness you have shown to me, sending love to you xxx

  3. I’m do glad I found your blog. It was exactly what I needed and I value the online friendship that has come from it. Congrats!

  4. Happy Blogosversary, or however you spell it! I for one am so glad that you’ve continued your blogging all these years, and that I found your blog, and for your suggestion of a clinic. Here’s to 5 years!

  5. I have so much to say! I’ve been re-reading your recent posts after taking a break from being online. First of all, I want to say CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of beautiful Winnie!! I was elated to read all about it, and as usual, had tears running down my face at the path, right to the very end, this has had you on. She is beautiful, she is perfect, she is so beloved. I’m so happy for you! And also, congratulations on persevering through such continue pain, stress and anxiety. You are a tremendous person. Most couldn’t stomach and push through a fraction of your struggles – you are amazing.
    Second, I’m so sorry for all the losses you have suffered. I am just so sorry. My heart goes out to you.
    Third of all, I’ve been reading WordPress blogs for less than a year, and yet I can truly say yours has made such a difference to my life. I’ve read all the entries and learned from you, grieved with you, been inspired by you. Thank you for sharing your journey – the highs, the lows, and greatest of joys.
    Hope all is well with your precious family!!

    1. This is literally the nicest and most thoughtful comment I have ever received! Thank you so much for your kind words. How are you doing? I miss your posts! I hope you’re ok! Xoxo.

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